Naa is running for gen sec again and her video is just as good

Here come’s the hot stepper

Our current gen sec Naa Acquah is re-running this year and has made a video to rival last years lyrical masterpiece.

Naa’s new video is a mashup of Rihanna, Naughty Boy and Ini Kamoze, in which she states her achievements in the past year as well as her intentions for the following one.

She says this year in office has changed the way she feels and she loves her job. She also pledges to try her best to help out fellow students if they were to have any problems.

Naa told us “I want to be re-elected as Gen Sec because I have worked really hard to do all the stuff I promised you and I still have fresh ideas to bring to the union, whilst being able to implement ideas that have been really successful this year.

“It’s a hard and stressful job but I really enjoy the responsibility and I hope students can see some of the hard work I have put in. I really think I still have the passion and drive to put in what it takes to run such a fantastic union and I hope all the students at Manchester believe that too!”