A dodgy batch of pills are circulating Manchester

There are special concerns about Red Lion pills

The Warehouse Project and The Loop, a drugs testing charity, have issued a warning about a dodgy batch of pills suspected in Manchester and the North West.

In the wake of two deaths on Sunday linked to the Liverpool club Cream, Liverpool police have issued a serious warning of a bad batch of pills in circulation in the North West.

The pills in question are Dutch Lions, which are red, shield shaped and have a raised lion logo.

They often contain up to twice the standard amount of MDMA found in pills.

Now, the Warehouse Project and The Loop have issued a separate warning before tomorrow night’s big New Year’s Eve celebrations.

Warehouse Project warned on Twitter, saying: “Hearing reports of dangerous and fatal substances within the region. Trying to get a more accurate description. Please be aware and be safe.”

Sacha Lord-Marchionne, co-founder of the Warehouse Project also personally tweeted a warning saying: “LPool Police issue a warning of a bad batch in circulation. Orange/red, shield shape with lion or griffin logo #BeSafe”

To ensure the highest levels of safety, as usual, The Loop will be onsite tomorrow at Warehouse Project. They said: “The Loop’s trained and experienced volunteers attend all Warehouse Project events and provide free, confidential and non-judgemental advice about ecstasy and other drugs.

“Please be careful, look after each other and speak to any staff if you have any concerns.”