Half of Loughborough set to vote for Cameron

Cameron is your fave

Lufbra voters will vote overwhelmingly for Cameron’s Tories in tomorrow’s pals.

The results show that half of Lufbra students will be voting for the Conservatives.

The most blue year group are finalists with 55 per cent saying that they intend to vote for Cameron at the election this May.

Second years are the most likely to vote Labour, with just under a third of them saying they would like Miliband to be in power, compared to only 21 per cent of freshers and 19 per cent of finalists.

UKIP are more popular than the Greens and the Lib Dems, as six per cent of Loughbrarians intend to back Farage, with 1st years being his largest supporter with nine per cent of them intended to vote for UKIP.

The Lib Dems are the least favourable party with only four per cent of students intending to vote for them, with the majority of their supporters being 2nd years.

Greens are just in front of the Lib Dems with the support of five per cent of students. 10 per cent of finalists intend to vote for the Green party compared to how no second years want Bennett in control of the country.