Save our pharmacy: NHS suits want rid of the Medicine Box on campus

It’s the only place you can get free contraception

campus Loughborough Loughborough University pharmacy

Red-tape enthusiasts at the NHS are threatening the future of the beloved campus pharmacy. 

The Medicine Box – which is next door to JC’s – tried to extend its contract, but NHS suits are now deciding whether there really is any need for a campus pharmacy.

Currently the Med Box is the only free thing in Luff preventing you from having a baby.

Izzy Ford, VP Welfare and Diversity, has called on students to sign a survey being distributed to each halls, to outline why the pharmacy should remain a popular destination on campus. The survey is also available at the SU and inside the pharmacy.

All the responses must be completed by March 17 to ensure that the NHS doesn’t leave Loughborough with a baby boom.

She posted on the LSU VP Welfare and Diversity page, “If we don’t stop this from happening it could be detrimental to many Loughborough students health and wellbeing.

“Please please please support this and ensure the Pharmacy lives on.”

The “SAVE OUR CAMPUS PHARMACY” event on Facebook has already gained support from 850+ students.