What the locals really think of us

At least we are friendly and good-looking…

locals Loughborough students

The Epinal took it upon ourselves to venture into Luff town centre yesterday to find out what the locals really think of us, and it was bloody cold.

We expected the worst, particularly as the relationship between rowdy students and the sleep-loving locals has been pretty frosty since freshers.

However, the lovely locals were happy to share their opinions, with some even bringing warmth to our hearts. What rivalry, eh?

“Much eye-candy this year”

“Town looks busy”

“Friendly, fun, welcoming”

“Friendy, pissheads, extreme”


“Love is forever”

We’re not entirely sure how that applies but we’ll take it…


“Students get bad press but there’s a massive hole in the town when they leave”


“Too noisy I want to sleep actually”

Don’t we all sister.