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UCL continues to smash King’s in Sunday Times Good University Guide

We ranked 8th nationally

UCL has been ranked as the eighth best university in UK by the Sunday Times Good University Guide 2019, making UCL the second best university in London.

Rival university KCL ranked 35th nationally, dropping seven places from last year. Other London unis dominated the top of the rankings though, with Imperial and LSE joining UCL in the top ten. Unfortunately for Ravensbourne, London Met and Birkbeck, this London luck isn't all encompassing, as they all finished in the bottom ten.

The Times Good University Guide uses feedback from the National Student Survey, graduate prospects and completion rates to create their rankings.

KCL just wants to be us

This is the first year since 2016 that enough UCL students answered the National Student Satisfaction survey that the results could be published. Last year students boycotted the survey in protest of the new Teaching Excellence framework, which uses the NSS to rank institutions. The institutions which receive a gold ranking are allowed to increase fees.

Both UCL's students satisfaction with teaching quality and the student experience has fallen since 2016. In fact King's, has a slightly higher score than UCL for teaching excellence.

However, UCL scores higher than King's in both student experience and degree completion rate.

The full results will be published this weekend in the Sunday Times Good University Guide 2019 supplement.