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UCL are giving out lampshades shaped like Jeremy Bentham’s head at graduation

Don’t lie, you want one

2018 has been without a doubt, the Year of Jeremy Bentham. From Jezza's recent holiday in NYC, to his head finally emerging from the darkest depths of UCL storage for the What Does It Mean To Be Human? Curating Heads exhibition, our beloved utilitarian philosopher has been getting around this year.

"Look into my eyes, look into my eyes, the eyes, the eyes, not around the eyes, don't look around the eyes, look into my eyes."

But now, UCL has gone one step further and produced a lampshade in his likeness, available for free at this year's graduation ceremonies. The lampshades in question come with a sheet of quirky instructions, purportedly written by Bentham himself, entitled "How to turn my flattened head into a three dimensional form – Jeremy."

"my skin, if you will"

Upon following these instructions, The Tab London were delighted to report a successful attempt at assembling Jeremy's head; although whether or not we'll be using the lampshade remains to be discovered.

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