Tayyab Shafiq to face disciplinary procedures

‘It would be inappropriate if this did not then go to a disciplinary procedure’

After continuous pressure from the Tab, Tayyab Shafiq is to face disciplinary procedures after allegations he had been harassing other students were found to be an infringement of the Union’s bye-laws.

The bye-law in question (16.4.a) states that a member of the Union can face disciplinary procedures if

  1. Conduct which creates an unsafe environment through assaults, harassment, bullying or intimidation of other students, Union staff, or visitors to Union spaces or events.

In order for any disciplinary action to be taken, both the Welfare and International Officer and the Chief Executive Officer need to be satisfied that disciplinary actions should be taken.


The UCLU Welfare and International Officer Tom Robinson told The Tab in an email that: “Given that complaints have been sent to UCLU which detail allegations of behaviour that the complainants considered to constitute creation of an unsafe environment, and have requested that a disciplinary procedure is followed, I feel it would be inappropriate if this did not then go to a disciplinary procedure.”

An article published last week by the Tab had highlighted multiple students had complained that the behaviour of Tayyab Shafiq during his electoral canvassing was “unacceptable” and in one case “threatening”.

More to follow.