Tab Art: Our critics review UCLU election campaign posters

Who has that modernist umami we’re looking for?

Nick Edmonds

Edmonds astounds with his latest piece of contemporary pop art.

It is the perfect satire of a southern Republican campaign poster. By ingeniously replacing what should have read, “Family, American, Guns” with “A true representative for societies.” he is inviting the viewer to speculate, “which societies?” My guess would be Boar Breeding and Real Ale.

Asad Khan

An interesting monochrome diptych from a man well know for his sharp edged work.

Khan certainly doesn’t disappoint when it comes to a strong linear composition, but I’m surprised to see his characteristic attention to detail has lapsed: he seems to have missed the “r” from the name of his favourite bubbly chocolate bar, an unforgivable mistake which may cost him his campaign.
It’s not all bad news though – Khan would whizz through the passport application process with that photo.

Dom Meehan

A quirky piece from an upcoming talent.

An obvious nod to an A-Level Chemistry text book covers that Meehan has often cited as having had a huge influence on his work. The symbolism of the background colour is striking – Meehan is clearly referencing the second chakra, which is orange and situated near the womb.

He succeeds in captivating the viewer and making them ask themselves a plethora of important questions, like, “If you don’t have a womb where is your second chakra found?”. Some serious food for thought.

Tom Robinson

Tom Robinson’s aesthetic makes him an approachable candidate with a bad boy edge.

While the pink design and shirt give a warm fuzzy feel and to the affair, the puppy dog-eyes-cum-Lord Kitchener stare and knowing smile leave a sense of threat.

Whether you see him staring at you from up against a wall or watching you from the back of a toilet cubicle, Tom knows, and he “will fight” (supposedly for education, well being and housing)