SSEES: The Times They Are A-Changin’

The alternative has never been more tempting

London Tab Sport SSEES Football ucl football UCL Sport

SSEES, once unknown to a large slice of the UCL community, is slowly gaining recognition as a force in the footballing world of ULU. The shoddy little stall, often unmanned, used to sit meekly alongside the ‘proper’ UCLUFC booth at the annual Freshers’

Talent was slipping through the net SSEES had previously timidly cast out but as this year’s trials showed, people are turningheads and in a typically UCL fashion, dozens of students are being enticed by the alternative.

Almost a metaphor for the existence of the club itself, theSSEES building is indiscrete, forever hiding in the shadow ofthe Bloomsbury Theatre where the UCL 1st XI assemble everyweek, no doubt loving the fact that they are seen by a constant procession of students.

A little investigation into the SSEES building and you get a sense of the mystery emerging from the shadows this year. The staircases spiral, a myriad of coloured glass enlivens the interior and the talent of footballers inside go about their business knowing
they’re part of something a little bit different.

Alex Goring, the president, embodies the spirit of SSEES, himself coming in last year and working his way up from the casual lowlights of 5-a-side football at Holloway School, to the budding experience of playing for the 2nds and finally earning his spurs to be a key spearhead in the 1st XI. A quick ascendency yes, but one that surprises no one at this wholly inclusive three-tiered club.

Social secretary Tom Sleep is a bit of a renegade, willing to break The Roxy Sports Night mould in favour of a stable at Proud. Risqué indeed, but ask any SSEES player how the night wentand compare it to the literally sobering experience of queuing for 2 hours at Rathbone Place and you start to understand why
alternative is better.