New Name, Same Paper
Why we changed our domain name
Hello Lovely Readers!
Due to a misunderstanding with the university during the initial conception stages of The Buzz, we’ve had to take ‘UCL’ out of our domain name. However we are still the same paper written for UCL students, run by UCL students about UCL student life, times, news and sport.
The site may be down for a bit this afternoon so the url can change over but it will be back up and running as soon as possible.
We feel the need to clarify our decision to not to affiliate with the UCLU. We met with the Union before launching The Buzz in February 2012 and amicably came to the decision not to affiliate. We feel that in order to properly scrutinise the university there must be publications that do not depend on it financially. This is why we chose instead to work with SGM Media, a company that is setting up a number of online student newspapers, which aims to improve the methods and accessibility of student journalism through a more professional approach.
The Buzz Editorial Team earns no profit from working with the independent company whether that be through advertising or otherwise. SGM Media hopes to at some point earn profit from advertising through the websites they are setting up, however this is currently not happening. Even the most cursory of glances at Britain’s media will make plain that good journalism requires funding. We therefore see no problem with a student publication being run for profit. However they are first and foremost dedicated furthering student media.
Hope this clears everything up. Keep checking The Buzz for daily updates on News, Sport and views; we’re here to stay.
The Buzz 2012 Editorial Team