Dear Daisy: The Buzz’s Agony Aunt in Residence
My boyfriend likes to use condiments in the bedroom. Ketchup, mayo, soy, the lot. I worry that he doesn’t like to kiss me but just really likes the taste of condiments. Is he hungry or is this normal?
DEAR DAISY: The Buzz’s Answer to all your Problems. Got a tricky situation? Unsure of who to ask? Email DAISY at [email protected].
Dear Daisy,
My boyfriend likes to use condiments in the bedroom. Ketchup, mayo, soy, the lot. I worry that he doesn’t like to kiss me but just really likes the taste of condiments. Is he hungry or is this normal?
Dear Anxious Girlfriend,
My oh my, this food dilemma certainly is a bit of a ‘pickle’. Alas, on a more serious note, fetishes (albeit minor ones) are often pretty normal in the bedroom and perhaps this is just what your boyfriend is into. He just has a really bizarre turn-on. If you are not a ketchup/mayo/soy lover, perhaps suggest some sweeter condiments to use, (whipped cream, treacle) or involve some actual food-stuffs. For example, I bet soy sauce would be a lot more fun if there was some sushi eating involved as well, then it would be an exotic experience rather than a stomach-churning one! If this doesn’t help, take him for a massive slap up meal before you next do the deed. That’s a speedy way to find out if it’s his stomach speaking or if he's actually a bit of a weirdo.
Dear Daisy,
I’m a single 22-year-old male doing a masters at UCL. I’ve never had a proper relationship and although I’m no model in the looks department. I do consider myself to be relatively attractive. I just want to know if its because there’s something wrong with me? Maybe I’m dressing wrong or could it be my chat?
Dear Singleton,
Not having had a girlfriend does not necessarily mean that there’s anything wrong with you! Single ‘n ready to mingle is all the rage at the moment so there’s no harm in enjoying the fact that you haven’t yet been tied down by one of us pesky women folk. However, your lack of lovin’ may also imply you do have poor chat and you may dress badly. Ask a good looking and 'involved' male friend what he says. If he says yes, blow next terms student loan on a new wardrobe and start hanging out with more lads. It may put a dent in the cash to lash ratio but it’s a sure-fire way to improve your banter.
Dear Daisy,
My friends have started calling me an EPOC but I don't know what that means! Can you shed any light on this for me?
Dear EPOC,
After conversing with some friends from different universities (as I had not previously heard this term used at UCL), I’m afraid that I have been informed that EPOC typically stands for Easy Pull On Campus in university lingo. If it’s only your friends calling you that, then maybe it’s a joke and there’s no need to worry, although if its others, maybe best to keep the pants firmly on for a little while.