London Second Best Student City in the World

Last week QS released their inaugural ‘Best Student Cities in the World’ rankings, with London placing second only to Paris. While naturally delighted the capital finished so high, The Buzz was concerned about the criteria QS used to compare and measure their chosen cities.

london QS rankings

Last week QS released their inaugural ‘Best Student Cities in the World’ rankings, with London placing second only to Paris. While naturally delighted the capital finished so high, The Buzz was concerned about the criteria QS used to compare and measure their chosen cities.

In a BBC article on this same news, it was reported that “London scored well on the quality and reputation of its universities, including Imperial College, University College London and King’s College London.”


Now, The Buzz is confident UCL did little to let its capital down and came out with a glowing report. However, we find it hard to believe our neighbours at the Strand Poly could have had anything to do with this success; did anyone see their attempts at Memes? As for the South Kensington Scientists, have you ever seen an Imperial student on a night out? Do they have nights out? No one at Buzz HQ could confirm or deny this, so please post any evidence (particularly if it’s photographic) in the comment section below. We can only assume London rated so highly in spite of these two “world class universities”.

QS also based their rankings on quality of living, with London scoring eighty eight out of a possible one hundred. Presumably, the lost twelve points were due to the standard of catering in the intercollegiate halls. Or the fact Boris Johnson could win a second term as mayor later this year.

Affordability was another means of evaluation, a category that London, predictably, did poorly in. Of course Paris is far from cheap, but the higher priced tuition in London – fees in Paris are only £1000 per year – was said to be the main difference between the two. Normally, this would be an excuse to complain about the comparatively high prices of pints in London, but in this instance The Buzz has chosen to be thankful it doesn’t have to fork out for bottles of Bordeaux at departmental meetings.

Though unable to rank above Paris, London did beat off the strong competition of third-placed Boston, home of universities such as Harvard and MIT that are the equal (and dare we say more than a match for) UCL and Imperial. However, remember London also has Goldsmiths. No one ever remembers Goldsmiths.