sydney jones library

Tuition fees are going up but our campus isn’t getting better

Where are the lecture streams, Harry?

People who socialise in the library are the spawn of Satan

We don’t want to hear about how mad last night was

How to decorate your house on the cheap this Christmas

From baggie baubles to takeaway menu paper chainz

International students: We need to give them a break

You never complain about your friends from Jersey swamping the SJ

All hail the library tweeter: A collection of @LivUniLibrary’s best tweets

Who is this phantom comedian?

What to do when you can’t find a computer in the SJ

You’re a fool if you actually go to the library

Put your shoes on in the library, this isn’t a yoga retreat

You are not a hobbit

Library raked in a whopping £21,000 in fines since August

Must have been some bloody good books

‘Everyone needs to leave now’: Students shooed out of library because of false fire alarm

20 mins standing in the blizzard all for a ‘structured evacuation’

We asked the SJ for their grimmest one night stand stories

Because who doesn’t want to reveal their dirtiest secrets about one night stands when they’re in the library?

Don’t use the library computers if you’re going to be a knob

Getting a computer in the library these days is a mammoth task involving ninja-like senses to grab one as soon as someone leaves before the onslaught begins. Students should just start obeying computer library etiquette.

5 ways to steal a computer in the library

If there wasn’t enough stress attached to exam time, the infuriating task of finding a computer comes with it. Here’s our list of the best way to steal one from a fellow student.

Library revision guide part 2: How to survive the sauna

The ‘hell’ of revision has taken on a whole new meaning as work in the libraries begins for the up-and-coming exams. It is bloody boiling. However, do not fear…

Ten completely immature ways to spend your study breaks in the library

The grey walls of the Harold Cohen library are enough like an asylum, instead of going stir-crazy, try to brighten up every break with a few of these childish ideas.

Building BNOC’s – the people behind campus erections

Think you’re the big dog of campus? Take a look at these historical BNOC’s to see who’s behind our famous uni hotspots

The Tab tries: Life-Drawing

The Tab tries their hand at sketching with the Art Society, examining the ins and outs of the female body

Printing credits: the student wallet’s arch nemesis

Why the current printing credit system ought to be changed.

You’ll never get anything done if you revise in the library

That central heating for one

WANTED: The Next LivUniLad

The guys behind the controversial LivUniLad have graduated and are looking for UoL’s next geezer to take on their Twitter sensation.