
rugby varsity liverpool sport

University of Liverpool beats LJMU in the varsity again


Sun, Sport and Short-Shorts: Meet the Varsity Sports Presidents getting ready for next week’s battle

“Varsity means everything”

JMWho? Liverpool Sports Varsity set to kick off next week

Will Liverpool University retain their crown?

The Liverpool Foxes Cheerleading squads have released a new naked calendar

Are they the new Warwick rowers?

Working class students have got more to worry about than chav socials

If you think they’re offensive, maybe you’re the problem

The Pokémon UK National Championships are coming to Liverpool

Entry is free for anyone to attend to watch the tournaments

Meet the UoL Raptors: the nice guys of uni sports

They go for ice cream and beers with their rivals

In Photos: University of Liverpool wins Varsity 2016


Keeping up with Kyle: Nobody needs forced drinking

I drink at my own pace, not at your will

Liverpool hockey girls: Queens of AU

They dressed up as pre and post 2007 Britney once

The Guild are launching a #RainbowLaces campaign to tackle homophobia in sport

Sports teams will be given rainbow laces to wear at Varsity

The uni gym is free over the exam period

They’re even doing massages for a tenner

We can’t prevent initiations, so I think we should embrace them

Do it for the lads

There shouldn’t be a stigma around pole fitness anymore

So why is there?

Who run the world? Girls clean up awards at AU Ball

Next year’s AU Pres and VP are also women

The fashion of the Sports Fiesta

The rugby teams are not camera-shy

It’s a shame no one cares about our uni’s sports teams, because they’re actually excellent

When’s the last time you went to a BUCS match?

Send us your BNOC of the Year nominations

Who is the biggest name on campus this year?

Liverpool narrowly lose out on Christie Cup victory

There were only four points in it

Women’s Rugby League to host festival in honour of #ThisGirlCan

All shapes, sizes and smells welcome