I went to Miles Kane’s free exclusive gig, and this is how it went

I could NOT miss an opportunity to watch Miles Kane perform

As a super-fan of Liverpool’s very own indie rock and roll star, I jumped at the opportunity to see Miles Kane perform at Tessuti’s flagship store  in Liverpool’s city centre. Sure, I said to myself, I’ll wear my favourite jacket, (in the hope I would get to meet him, so naturally would want to look my best) I highly doubt beer and dancing folk would be permitted around designer clothing, oh how I was wrong.

My friend and I entered the store, Tessuti first-timers, our names actually on the guestlist (first hurdle passed) and were led up the escalators where we could see a small crowd of like-minded Miles Kane enthusiasts. We were delighted to find that when we made it up to the first floor we were greeted with a free drink of Prosecco, which was politely accepted.

Excited and giddy by the freebie and feeling like ‘proper’ adults, we made our way to the stage to join fellow fans. The stage was set up for a full band performance (there goes the assumption it would be an acoustic and relaxed set), and our inner 17-year-old gig-going selves made our way through the crowd determined to find the best spot. We managed to situate ourselves directly opposite Miles’ microphone wishfully thinking we would make eye contact (I promise this isn’t as sad as it sounds).

The buzz of the crowd when one of your favourite artists appears on stage never gets old, and by the time Inhaler off of his 2011 Album Colour of the Trap finished, I was reminded why hearing music live is such a precious experience. The set consisted of a variety of classics from his supergroup with Alex Turner, Last Shadow Puppets, as well as music from his most recent album Change the Show released in 2022.

Wrapping a towel around his neck, I suspected it would eventually make its way into the crowd. Again, my inner 17-year-old gig-goer revealed herself to me, and when the towel was inevitably thrown in my direction, I made sure my hand was the first to catch it, our spot being a big help in this.

I can proudly say that I am now in possession of a Tesco towel (a man of the people) used by Miles Kane, and it is probably the most valuable thing I will ever acquire from the Tessuti store.

To say Miles Kane has such an engaging and charismatic stage presence is an understatement, and in every performance I’ve had the pleasure of watching, I am consistently mesmerised by his talent. Although only 45 minutes in length, Miles and his band’s performance was fuelled by so much energy that I, and assumingly every other spectator, was left wanting more.