Image may contain: Banner, Advertisement, Poster, Crowd, Sunglasses, Accessories, Accessory, Text, Clothing, Apparel, Person, Human

Here are the best signs Liverpool had to offer at today’s Climate Strike

Whose future? Our future!!

People of all ages protested in the streets of Liverpool on Friday to bring awareness to the ongoing climate crisis.

The protests were part of the global YouthStrike4Climate, with representatives from UCU and Extinction Rebellion.

Students marched from University Square, down Mount Pleasant and towards St George's Hall where the main protest was held next to the Christmas market.

For the full scoop, be sure to head over to our Instagram story highlights, but here are our fave signs from the very coolest protesters:

Image may contain: Urban, Accessories, Sunglasses, Accessory, Crowd, Banner, Text, Person, Human

A mass protest through Liverpool One on Black Friday was interesting!

Image may contain: Crowd, Banner, Text, Human, Person

These lyrics are way better x

Image may contain: Parade, Apparel, Clothing, Light, Traffic Light, Text, Pedestrian, Crowd, Human, Person


Image may contain: Banner, Crowd, Text, Human, Person

Protecting the planet GC style, d'ya know what I mean?

Image may contain: Crowd, Human, Person, Banner, Text

The cutest protester ever!

Image may contain: Crowd, Clothing, Apparel, Label, Human, Person, Text, Banner

Where's Divine de Campo when you need her?

Image may contain: People, Banner, Word, Text, Crowd, Parade, Protest, Human, Person

Get bucked mate x

Image may contain: People, Accessories, Sunglasses, Accessory, Pants, Banner, Crowd, Text, Clothing, Apparel, Person, Human

We miss the Keith Haring exhibition already!

Image may contain: People, Text, Apparel, Clothing, Architecture, Pedestrian, Metropolis, Crowd, Building, Urban, City, Town, Downtown, Person, Human

You can't get much more to the point than that!

Image may contain: Protest, Parade, Crowd, Text, Person, Human

Wise words pals x

If you missed out on today's action and fancy standing up for your right to a future, check out the YouthStrike4Climate's Facebook page for upcoming events here!