Image may contain: Clothing, Apparel, Furniture, Couch, Umbrella, Canopy, Person, People, Human

Strike action at the University of Liverpool is set to continue if new proposal is rejected

This is set to take place at the end of April

Following the 14 days of strike action that occurred before Easter, it has been revealed that unless UCU members vote to accept a new proposal, further strike action this semester will commence.

The local branch of UCU has disclosed that if these strikes occur, they will be on the 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th April (week 10).

Although further strike action will be suspended if a deal is reached, the university is still giving students the required two weeks notice if this is not the case. The vote on the new proposal is taking place on Friday at 2pm.

Image may contain: Smile, Portrait, Face, Parade, Crowd, Person, People, Human

Students and staff alike are set to meet at the picket lines again

University Communications have said they will be in touch again once results of the ballot are publicised with more information.

You can see a screenshot of the email sent out by University of Liverpool communications below:

Image may contain: Document, Text, Letter