The University of Liverpool according to Google reviews

‘Within 5 minutes of being in Liverpool I was mugged’

google liverpool ljmu reviews university of liverpool

The University of Liverpool is known for being the bottom of the Russell group, pretending that doesn’t matter because we’re the original red brick  and plastering said red brick building across all university literature to deceive prospective students.

With all the shiny prospectuses, free pencils and photos of manically laughing girls on Abercromby Square, where do would-be Liverpool students look to find a true reflection of this magnificent institution? Google reviews, of course. Here are some of the best.

Starting off easy – this seems promising

Can it get any better?

Oh, its no too much fun

I feel like he didn’t get a good grade in his final year

Paul, what you on about m8

Give us 5 stars and we can talk

This has suddenly got really dark

Maren can smell the Meatball Marinara

A love story in 15 words

Did you accidentally end up on the Hope campus, Ross?

And for LJMU…

Where’s the analysis though?

Why does LJMU sound so sexual?

Seriously, is this a university or a brothel?