A Valentine’s Day guide for the fashion clueless guy

Whether it’s swish wine ‘n’ dine or casual coffee we’ve got your look sorted

Bold Street date day fashion fashion guide Sefton Park valentine's day valentines what to wear

Sitting at home biting your nails in anticipation of the impending Valentine’s Day date, thinking what in God’s name do I wear? Don’t ask your mum.

This isn’t just another roll out of bed day, you want to show your other half that you’ve made a little bit of effort.

Here are some arguably diverse ideas to suit multiple occasions, since every couple does Valentine’s Day slightly different.

The edgy, no nonsense coffee shop date look

Casual, fun with an urban flair. You’ll easily fit in somewhere on Bold Street, with these 70’s esque threads, on your unpremeditated V-day coffee date.

Late night cinema date look

It’s dark, it’s mysterious and it’s more than likely going to be cold – so the coat is necessary.

Fun, day-time activity date look

Maybe you’re going bowling, or to crazy golf…maybe on the city bikes around Sefton Park or a trip to Chester Zoo, here’s an outfit fit for the chance of mild exercise and a long day.


This one’s for those who want to appear as modestly-trim. Not quite the debonair of George Clooney, but brushed up from that stained top and jeans you find on the floor before you hit your morning lecture.

Mr. Up-market, sophisticated

If you’re aiming for the high-brow, hot-trotting look for your date, suited for swanky haunts with swanky food then try something like this. You won’t look out of place wine tasting or climbing aboard your private jet in this look.