How do you choose your library?
It’s not just about where the books are, you know…
If you’re a first year, the library is a place you will pay the odd visit to every few weeks or so. If you’re a third year, you will feel like you should probably pay your rent to the place.
As the workload gradually becomes heavier and the need to make camp in one of the two on-campus libraries becomes greater, how you decide where you will make your new home is not a decision taken lightly.
The more naive among you may assume the decision is based solely on which one houses the relevant books. How wrong you are…
Sean, a third year Politics student, does not beat around the bush.
Computer screens are not aesthetically pleasing, but let’s face it, some students in the SJ are.
On the topic of aesthetics, second year English student Luke is not impressed by the appearance of the Harold Cohen.
The aisles do kind of resemble wards and the whole place is lacking a bit of colour. We really can’t blame Luke, can we?
Hold up now… the HC is biting back.
Admittedly, the argument is lacking substance, but this Veterinary student was not in the mood to take any shit from his cross-campus foe.
Sorry Vet man, but we heard these guys out in a stuffy room in the depths of your beloved library – the traitors.
What a fickle place campus can be. Then again, everyone loves a cafe, and the HC is a bit heavy.
Libraries do not interest this man.
Oh dear, it doesn’t get any easier for Harold Cohen.
Being a Geology student, Jess’ resources generally belong in the HC, however she will not settle for second best and is prepared to walk a little bit further for that literature.
“The Harold Cohen is too far from the bus stop and the Sydney Jones Starbucks is well cheap.”
Hmmm, well cheap? This is certainly up for debate.
All jokes aside, does Craig have a point?
The Harold Cohen has received a bit of battering, even from its own users.
With these responses in mind, it is clear the HC has got some catching up to do, both in appearance and on-site facilities.
Happy library-ing one and all.