Abandoned University

We love the Uni as much as anyone, but some parts of it are a bit… well, shit.

Although our Uni does have some lovely aspects, there are loads of abandoned parts that could do with a bit more TLC. The Tab have chosen the top places across the University which show the crapness of parts of this venerable institution.

The ‘interesting’ sculpture that can be found in Abercromby Square, next to the Sydney Jones library. It looks more like a block of cheese than a piece of art. Don’t try and eat it though, it’s covered in pigeon shit and fresher sick.

An example of one of many scaffolding constructions around the Uni. Although some of the buildings are in need of repair, the scaffolding itself isn’t particularly attractive.

The massive construction site situated at the top of the University near the Vets. It looks like a set from a disaster movie. It’s not pretty, but if you ever fancy recreating your favourite scenes from ‘Mad Max’, it’s perfect.

Moldy greenhouses, AKA ‘bike sheds’ can be found across the whole University. Most people would rather get their bikes nicked that put them in one of these manky things.

Overflowing bins behind the Guild. The barbed wire is intriguing. What are they hiding?

The Royal Hospital is world-renowned for its dire appearance, and the Duncan Building situated right next door isn’t much better. Mmmmm, concrete.

Masked behind the scaffolding and clashing multi-coloured paint is the Dentist Hospital. Looks like an East German public toilet.

They definitely don’t show you these places in the prospectus.