Image may contain: Text, Lawn, Plant, Grass

We did a roundup of the best post-it note signs in Lincoln halls

Flat party at 8pm? See ya there


Throughout the madness of freshers, meeting new people, making sense of a new city, and of course, the parties – your flat very quickly begins to feel like home.

And what makes a university flat feel more like home than lining the windows with bottles and post-it notes?

As a kudos to this legendary tradition, we did a round up of the best uses of post-it notes around Lincoln halls.

Pub anyone?

Everyone knows students love going to the pub, especially spoons. So the answer is, yes we will come (but we're probably already there).

Image may contain: Scoreboard, Symbol, Brick

Always up for spoooooons

Selling bits and bobs

Whether it be games consoles, clothes, or even flatmates – your dusty living room window is the perfect place to advertise your goods and earn some extra cash.

Image may contain: Urban, Trademark, Logo, Postal Office, Alphabet, Symbol, Text, Office Building, Building

Tom clearly didn't do the dishes

Trying to be the next Banksy

Even if you didn't take an art degree, people always want to show off their creative skills. We appreciate that you at least tried.

Image may contain: Poster, Collage, Advertisement, Brick

Oink oink

Image may contain: Picture Window, Window


Candid decor

Can't afford Halloween decorations with your student loan? Sticky notes have you covered for all seasons across the year.

Image may contain: Art, Toy, Collage, Advertisement, Poster

Celebrating spooky season on a budget

Daily doses and messages

Uni can be seriously difficult at times and everyone knows it.

However, these students have definitely made someones day better with a nice message to read on the way to their 9am.

Image may contain: Text, Lawn, Plant, Grass

Spreading positive vibes, not positive chlamydia tests

If your work didn't make it and you feel like it should have, then send us a pic our Instagram page.