The level crossing is the worst thing about Lincoln

It’s one massive pain in the arse

campus level crossing lincoln Students uni worst thing

Over half of you think the level crossing is the worst thing about Lincoln, with 52 per cent of you voting for it.

It seems waiting around for the worlds longest train to go by whilst you’re a) freezing to death and b) missing a solid five minutes of your lecture is a major thumbs down from Lincoln students.

Locals came in at second place, with 21 per cent of the vote.

Second year Architecture student Isaac Timson said: “The train lines are a total pain in the arse. Sometimes you can be running 5 minutes late for your lecture, then the crossing closes and you’re ANOTHER five minutes late. There’s nothing you can do about it.”

First year Graphic design student Nikolaus Millward said: “The train crossing is definitely the worst part, luckily when I was held up last time my lecture was cancelled! As for the locals, they haven’t given me any trouble, probably because I have resting bitch face.”