They’ve got one of those Amazon lockers at Tower Bar now

You can pick up your parcels from there and everything

amazon christmas delivery information

If you didn’t notice it and didn’t know what it was then you’re probably a bit dense.

What are they?!

The new locker system is from Amazon and its a new way to get your parcels delivered for a cheaper cost. This means you can now pick up your Christmas pressies from Tower Bar and your Secret Santa will be none the wiser.

Tom Erem, a second year English student, recently used the locker system, he chose it because: “The delivery was cheaper than home delivery and I wanted to see how it worked.”

When you choose to get an item delivered to the lockers (this one is named “Calypso”) you get a code and a time when it will be available emailed to you.

Then you can pick it up at Tower Bar. It’s great.

There it is

Now that is one happy customer