Lincoln students: a naturally beautiful bunch

Lincoln students spend next to nothing on beauty products according to a new study.

Lincoln University has been outed as one of the least vain unis in the UK.

Female students might generally be known as a pretty vain, but a new study shows that Lincoln Uni students spend a lowly  £121 a year on beauty products.

So it looks like we must be naturally beautiful, as the vanity survey by ranked us right at the bottom of their table.

University of Lancaster University topped the poll, spending up to £1, 109 on different cosmetics and skincare products.

The University of York came 2nd with a total of £968 spent in a year, whilst University of Durham came third, spending £883 a year on beauty products.

The Tab spoke to the students of Lincoln to find out how much they spend.

Mary, who is in her final year of Business said she was shocked at how much she spent. “I would say that I spend about £250 on make up in a year. That’s really bad isn’t it? I’m really into beauty products, it’s my splurge.”

Sam, who is also in her final year, studying Biomedicine said, “I would say approximately £75. The things I buy are expensive but they last a long time as they seem to go further and I also get given a lot of make up at birthdays and Christmas.”