The best of Lincoln AGM on Twitter
A lot went down in Lincoln yesterday, even on Twitter. Here’s a round up of the best tweets from yesterday’s eventful meeting.
It was a big day for Lincoln University yesterday. The SU Annual General Meeting in the Engine Shed debated about the ‘No to Page 3’ and ‘Save the Shed’ campaigns.
Among all the debating, students were tweeting live from inside the Engine Shed, with the hashtag #LincAGM. Some of these were broadcast to the big screens, with differing reactions from the crowds.
Here are some of the best tweets of the day:
The meeting began with a speech from NUS Vice-President Dom Anderson. Some people seemed to think he was going on a bit…
A motion was soon after made for the SU to remove the NUS from it’s affiliates list. The controversy!
Next up, the motion for a referendum on banning The Sun from the uni shop. Mixed opinions from the crowd.
Some people had other things on their mind.
The argument for the lack of women in positions of power was brought up, one response caught the eye.
Onto the ‘Save the Shed’ campaign, and an introduction which was met with cheers and applause.
Who needs statistics in an argument, anyway?
A striking image, that SU bar may not be far away now.
He has a point…
The Tab reported on the missing Deathroy last month, still no luck apparently.
With the SU potentially taking over the Shed, it’s good to know we’ll be in safe hands.