Leicester at No 4 in Numeracy Test League Table

Students at Leicester are 0.03 per cent better at maths than Oxford students.

Figures released by graddiary.com show that Leicester graduates are better at maths than their Oxford counterparts.

The statistics represent the “first ever” top twenty numeracy test league table for universities.

Grad Diary, a website that helps students with job hunting, launched free practice numeracy tests – now a major part of the application process.

The tests allow students to practice and improve their psychometric test skills in preparation for internship and graduate job applications.

Up yours Oxford!

The graddiary.com website explains why the tests have been offered, saying: “numeracy testing has become a major part of the application process, especially in finance and consultancy related industries, and we know that practice is really the only way to improve your results.”

Ranked by average scores, the website compiled a list of twenty of the top scoring universities.

Leicester came in a whopping fourth place, just beating Oxford by 0.03 percent.

The top three include: Cass Business School, Durham University and University of Bath.

Can we do better? To improve the university’s position, take a numerical test on the site.