Top 10 Ways to Lose Your Coursemates
You see them EVERYWHERE, so if you’re bored of them, here’s how to get rid of them…
It’s almost the end of term and by now you recognise most of the people on your course. You see them in lectures, the O2, on the bus and in the toilet (pretty much everywhere).
You’re probably bored of the sight of them and the annoying things that you’ve noticed they do at the front of the lecture theatre, some of them might even start awkward conversations before the lecture starts.
So if you’re looking to get them off your back, you came to the right place. Here are a few ideas you could use to try and get rid of them…
1) Conveniently forget your purse and get them to pay for your coffee before that 9am.
Make sure it’s an overpriced brand like Starbucks, I mean how else are you going to concentrate? One of you needs to.
2) Never turn up to any lectures, but ensure to use their notes all the time.
No one likes one of those people that forever steal notes. They’ll soon begin to despise you.
3) When studying with them in the library, have music BLAST through your headphones so it disturbs them.
Rebecca Blacks new single ‘Saturday’ should do the trick. Yes, that’s actually what it’s called…
4) Don’t take showers during term time.
Your strong B.O will be an instant repellant.
5) Always borrow their textbooks and forget to return them.
These things cost a bomb. Don’t be surprised if they try to strangle you.
6) Male or female, turn up to university wearing crocs.
Biggest fashion faux pas; they’ll be dead embarrassed to be caught with you.
7) Stalk them around campus.
Follow them around. To the toilet even. Oh and sing The Calling’s ‘Where ever you will go’ while you’re at it.
8) Be that annoying know-it-all in seminars.
You know that one kid that actually does all the reading and always has an answer? Yeah, I’d kill them too.
9) Bombard them with Candy Crush invites during frees.
Some of us actually work in our spare time and don’t need constant Candy Crush invitations popping up on our phones. They’ll probably want you to fall off a bridge by now.
10) Tell them you can’t do lunch because you’re meeting up with your imaginary friend.
And apparently, they’re on the same course as you all.
So go on, test out these tips and see how many you lose.