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Leeds Uni Union are discussing the introduction of drug testing kits

Roll up roll up, get your drug testing kits here


It's no secret that Leeds students are notorious for their drug use. Canal Mills is more commonly known as 'Canal Pills' amongst students, you'll massively stand out if you don't have sesh glasses and a water bottle at Beaverworks, and drug dealers are constantly handing out business cards in Hyde Park (I mean, we've all been given that lighter with a coke number on it, right)? The city has such a huge drug culture that drug taking is actually becoming normalised to an extent.

Mate, you could open up a small pharmacy with all that gear

BUT… Is there more that could be done to make drug use in Leeds safer? It is naive to think that any policies will be massively successful at veering students away from drugs because they are just so prolific. However, Leeds University Union is being pushed to introduce drug testing kits (yes, you did read that right).

A pill a day keeps the doctor away … or does it?

Believe it or not, Manchester and Newcastle already have universities which have instigated drug testing kits. This is helping students to distinguish which drugs are mixed with other substances and those which are genuinely pure.

Whilst the LUU has not yet said that drug tests will be brought to the Union, the Welfare Officer, Matt, has explained that data is currently being collected which should help to decide what step should be taken next. So, while taking no drugs at all is, of course, the best option, those that do tend to dabble may be about to make their nights out a hell of a lot safer.