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LeedsFess: We spoke to the new confessions page which is about to shake up Leeds

“We will post nearly anything”

It seems like almost every uni has a page where students confess their wildest party stories, have a snide dig at their flatmates and turn their biggest uni tragedies into a joke for the rest of the student population to enjoy. It's no surprise that these pages have taken off around the country, because honestly, who doesn't love a gossip, especially when the gossip concerns your uni, halls and (probably) people you know.

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Following in the footsteps of the success of 'Bristruths', Bristol's confession page, 'LeedsFess' has launched in Leeds, and this is a friendly reminder to trust nobody. It's a scary time, but you can't even deny that you'll never stay away from the page.

The Leeds Tab spoke to the people behind LeedsFess, which has already gained 100+ likes, despite only launching last weekend, to find out why students should be excited about their new venture.

Why did you choose to launch a page in Leeds of all cities?

"We've chosen Leeds primarily due to the absence of a truth page here. Nearly very uni has a page like us (Oxfess, Swanfess, Yorfess, Crushbridge) but Leeds doesn't. Bristruths has friends around the country at universities with pages like ours which are starting to use our website but Leeds hasn't even got a page. Clearly you're all missing out and so we thought it only right that you guys get a page of your own to spout things to".

What kind of content are you looking for on the page?

"We will post nearly anything. You'll see a couple of rules about making things post-able i.e. anonymous and no hate speech; but other than that it's open to any thought that pops into your head. If it's funny, insightful, or good for sparking a debate then the chances are it'll get posted.

In Bristol we've had everything from fundraisers to memes being posted. We love confessions about nights out and gossip is great fun but there's lots to talk about. We are a conversation at our base so give us something good to talk about".

Image may contain: Crowd, Party, Drinking, Drink, Beverage, Glass, Person, People, Human

What was the funniest thing you came across on the Bristol page?

"We've had some hysterical things posted to us before, many of which have actually appeared on The Tab.

The funniest ever though might be about the 7 plagues of Bristol. One user noted that we had everything from snow and fire to walkouts and everything in between and we were just now just waiting for Moses to save us. Other classic ones involved the infamously slow-walking around campus and parents phoning the Wardens of halls to ask if there are any stables".

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Why should we like your page?

"You should like us because we are a community. Are you stuck on something in your course? Write a post. Do you want there to be a group chat for the area you live in? Write a post. Do you want to give a shout-out to the person who helped you randomly the other night? Post it.

We are different because of the things that have been achieved through us. The mental health crisis in Bristol was a key issue for Bristruths and we posted a lot of the submissions we got about support in exam time as well as people's experiences of the support services.

Most famously, Bristruths users used us to fund-raise for Herman one of the cleaners to visit Jamaica for the first time in years which went completely viral as we raised £1.5k in 4 days".

The website is here. You all know what you've got to do now…