A student house in Leeds was broken into whilst the tenants were still away for the summer

They weren’t even told about it until they moved in

A house in Burley which is rented by three students was broken into, for one of the tenants to return to Leeds to find a missing TV.

It is still unclear when the actual burglary took place, but thankfully none of the tenants were present so nobody was hurt.  Alex Wright who is a tenant in the house recognised that the TV was just a secondary problem as she said "thankfully it happened when no one was in, otherwise it could have been a lot worse".

However, Alex recognises the rental agencies efforts to make their situation better as she shared "it was only the TV that  got nicked and rent inc were really good with replacing the locks and getting us a new one sent over".

She also added that she does not feel unsafe in the neighbourhood,  as "it was just someone taking advantage of an empty house".