Leeds has been ranked the 10th ‘cheapest university town’ in the UK

We also have the cheapest kebab

Leeds managed to scrape the top ten of the UK’s cheapest university towns after recent research by Marbles. Leeds also had the cheapest kabab at £3.96 out of every other city.

They were ranked according to a number of criteria, of which the average weekly rent was £126.70, the average travel pass £56.00, the average gym cost at £14.90, the average cinema visit at £8.50, and the cheapest pint at £3.00.

The Keele University Campus came first, but that’s no surprise because they had the cheapest pint at £2.50. Queen’s in Belfast came second, Loughborough came third, Coventry fourth, Birmingham and Glasgow fourth and fifth and Strathclyde sixth. Lancaster and Leicester came eighth and ninth, with Leeds in tenth place.

Manchester came in 13th place and York 18th. The most expensive places, no surprises here, were SOAS and UCL in London, King’s Imperial College London and City (in London).