I spent the weekend living in the Eddy B

I didn’t even have to pay any rent

Revision fever has slowly started to infect all of us, and I’m getting in on the action by spending over 24 hours in the library.

I’m eating, showering, shaving, sleeping, working and living in Edward Boyle as a tribute to our soon to be closed 24-hour library, confidant and friend.

It won’t be easy, it won’t be fun. It might not even be useful.

On Friday night I packed up my supplies and went in.

Packing for my holiday


9:03am It’s so busy in here – who the hell comes to the library at 9am on a Saturday? I’m dragging my bags around Level 8 looking for any free spaces. Looks like the only seat free is this small, plugless desk in the middle. I’ll settle for now but I’m keeping my eyes peeled for anything nicer to come on the market.

10:17am There are some international students who look like they’re packing up at a high end table nearby. If this was Monopoly, their table would be Mayfair. I can see some free spaces on other tables but I’m holding out for this one.

10:28am They’ve left. I pounce like a fresher at Fruity and I’ve secured a 4 person table near a big window. The view isn’t too bad either. This will be perfect for the next 30 hours. Time to settle in – come at me, revision.


 Looks like the people who came for the library morning session are starting to deplete but there are still some familiar faces. We exchange looks every so often, we’re basically friends now. Time for a gourmet lunch of cherry tomatoes, blueberries and a protein shake. Surprisingly productive working morning.

Already had my 5-a-day

 It’s quite cloudy outside now.

5:10pm Some guys on a table nearby have hooked their laptop up to the “together unit” TV to watch football on a big screen. These guys know how to use the library. I’m still revising from flashcards with my stuff sprawled across the table like I’ve been living here for years already. I’ve now been here for 8 hours and I’m still feeling pretty fresh. Not much to report.

5:25pm Changed into a shirt for dinner with some friends who have come for a slice of the Eddy B life.

Yes I brought a selfie stick to the library


7:30pm Took a short revision break to wash up my tupperware and cutlery from dinner in the bathroom sink. I’ve noticed both male toilets on this floor have ran out of toilet roll and feel very much responsible for this.

9:50pm I’ve really settled into my new home now, it’s been over 12 hours. This time of the evening is really weeding out the social library-goers from the hardcore revision addicts. It’s hard to tell which clique I belong to.

11:55pm Three guys have just arrived wearing big rucksacks and coats. It looks like the nocturnal revisers are starting to flock. Feeling a bit worn down. Maybe it’s time to get into my pyjamas soon.


1.12am It’s way past midnight and there are still over 20 people in the library – exam fever really seems to have infected the student population. The midnight revision crew have also worked out how to hook their laptop up to the TV and have started watching The Inbetweeners. Fuck me, I’m still working. At least I’m doing it in my PJs.

The midnight crew

1.55am I really want to pitch my tent and have a nap but there’s a security guard hanging around with a “no tents” look on his face. I need to work out how often he comes and goes so I can figure out the best time to start camping.

2:30am All my friends have left and the midnight revision crew are watching a new film. I’m going over to introduce myself in the hope I can catch the next screening.

2:37am I’m about to start watching The Dictator with the midnight revision crew. It turns out they’re three Engineering freshers who are in the library this late “more for the gimmick than the actual work”. Sounds like we’re kindred spirits.

How I’m feeling right now

3:29am Simultaneously working and watching this film with the new crew. They’re planning to leave at first light, which they estimate to be around 5:30. The number of people in here has halved in the last hour and so has my tolerance for work.

4:30am I’ve decided it’s tent time. I’m too tired for this shit. Armed with my new fresher friends, we pitch what I believe to be the first ever Edward Boyle tent. History in the making. PS: I really need to nap.

4:52am The tent has been erected. It looks glorious.

5:14am Tent is bloody uncomfortable. I’m basically sleeping on the ground. I wish I had had the forethought to bring a proper pillow or blanket. I’m going to resort to plan B – to create a fort around the tables using the wheelie barriers so I can nap on the hard sofa. I really hope this works. The library is almost empty now, but still as bright as ever. After a tearful goodbye, the midnight crew left to grab some breakfast at Wetherspoons.

5:32am I’m lying in my new bed but I can hear the security guard lingering just outside my barriers. The fear of him entering my secure zone is keeping me awake. I feel like I now understand the troubles of homeless people who are asked to move on. He hasn’t said anything yet, but it’s keeping me on edge.

Plan B

Just woke up to some loud, unexplained noises. The library is now completely empty. Too early for the early birds, too late for the night owls. Time to shower (with wet wipes), shave and change to prepare for the day.

7:03am Breakfast is Alpen cereal and yesterday’s milk. The bowl is the tupperware I (badly) washed out yesterday so it still smells like paneer jalfrezi. I’m exhausted, hungry and eating curry flavoured Alpen, with a fork, in the library, alone. My life has been better.

7:22am I’ve always wondered when Edward Boyle gets cleaned, and apparently it’s around 7am. Huh.

8:08am The library is still empty. Refreshing change from yesterday morning. I’m blasting some summer tunes and blasting through some work.

Time for a shower

The first person has arrived on my floor. I feel like I own it now. I took it upon myself to welcome him into my home with open arms. I even offered him a tour, which he politely declined.

11:40am I’ve been like a zombie trying to work. Time has flown by and I’m still looking at the same page. The place is slowly filling again too, making me feel slightly awkward for having all the barriers.

12:12am I’m leaving. I’ve been here for over 27 hours and I can’t concentrate on anything anymore. I can’t even read. Time to go home for a hot meal, a proper shower and a bed.

This experience has taught me many things, but the most important one is I’m going to miss Edward Boyle next year. I became strangely attached, and was slightly sad when I realised my tenancy was coming to an end.

Yeah, you’re far from perfect. You’re overcrowded, dirty and dim but you’re a pretty trustworthy and honest revision companion, and you’ve seen me through some pretty dark days.

Goodbye Eddy B.