Union say they DID NOT cut Leeds Student budget
Union blame new format of Leeds Student for financial crisis and claim they are not cutting their funding.
Earlier today Leeds Student reported they would be going out of print following Union funding cuts.
But the Union are claiming they are not cutting off LS and the paper will not face closure.
Activities Officer Greg Sturge blames changes to the paper format made by current editor for the financial crisis.
“Changes to the format of the paper made by the current editor, meant that LS and LSi would have higher printing costs and financial burden than in previous years”
The Union said the newspaper receive more funding than any other society – £20,000 per year.
Greg added: “Leeds Student’s existence is written into the Union’s constitution, and we seek to provide it with as much support as possible to help it carry out its role.”
“Both the Union and LS were aware of the potential risks of being short of money. “
The Activities Officer was also hopeful for the future of the print newspaper.
“The final edition of LS may yet be able to print – not being due until after Easter, there is over a month in which we will be able to work together to find sponsorship that allows the final issue to go ahead”
You can read Greg’s full statement here.
How do you feel about the Union losing print media? Let us know in the comments. You can also sign a petition to save Leeds Student.