Student launches campaign against The Sun ban

Petition put up to lift Page 3 ban and put the vote to a referendum

A student has launched a campaign to have the ban on The Sun newspaper removed from the Union

2nd year politics student Tuma Hayek’s petition needs 600 signatures to make the Union change their mind and put the vote to a Uni-wide referendum.

Tuma Hayek in a semi-nude protest at the forum on Monday

Tuma told The Tab: “We should not be placed in a bubble of banned products. We deserve to be treated as adults who are free to make these decisions ourselves.”

She added: “The media is one of the few institutions that can hold our government and other bodies to account. Once the press is not free, then neither are we.”

“Similar motions already went to a referendum in previous academic years and Leeds Uni students voted against it!”

Union Affairs Officer Bradley Escorcio responded: “I am confident that our student panels accurately represent the demographic of our members.”

“If anything, debates and referendums are likely to strengthen the democracy at LUU rather than hinder it.”

You can sign the petition here (you need to be logged in to sign)