Why Tequila doesn’t deserve to be shut down
Tequila’s latest video has caused an uproar, with many calling for the club night to be scrapped. KERRY WILLIAMS argues why Tequila should not be closed down
Tequila’s ‘rape joke’ video has been the topic of thousands of conversations since it appeared online, and a petition has now been started to urge Mezz club to stop hosting Tequila.
At the time of writing, the petition has nearly 2500 supporters and the number is increasing rapidly.
The video in question asks several students how they are going to violate freshers, and the comments made by some male students have caused outrage. However, the girls featured in the video don’t appear to be at all offended by the comments. It seems to have been overlooked that the comments in the video, although disgusting and offensive, were made by customers and not by Tequila themselves.
Of course, the interviewer was wrong to ask “How are you going to violate freshers?”, and some of the comments made by students should have been edited out. However, the video was removed shortly after it was posted and Tequila has apologised.
The Tequila Facebook page describes Tequila as a ‘den of hedonism and debauchery’ and for years the slogans on their website have been along the lines of ‘Come and swallow’. Although this video clearly overstepped the mark, it was entirely consistent with their usual message, which is what fans love about Tequila.
Tequila is the oldest student club night in the country, and has provided countless students with many amazing nights out over the last 20 years. Even last night, amid the controversy, it was as busy as ever. This shows that it’s still hugely popular and it will take more than a video marketing fiasco to put Tequila regulars off.
At the end of the day, they are continuing to make Mezz money, so why would Mezz want to put a stop to it? The cheap drinks, great music, and wild nights have provided so many amazing memories for countless people over the years, including Harry Styles.
This shouldn’t be thrown away because they made a mistake, and if you don’t like it there, don’t go.