QUIZ: Which iconic Lancs Uni building are you?
Are you as famous as Bowland Tower?
With lockdown preventing any chance of in-person teaching for the foreseeable and many buildings having been closed off for students to use, it’s unlikely students have been in any other buildings than Greggs or the Spar. Clearly there’s a gap in our knowledge here, especially for freshers. We don’t even know what half of these buildings look like, let alone which one corresponds best with our personalities.
From the iconic landmark at the heart of campus that is Bowland Tower, to the mysterious Ruskin Library that exudes mystery, every building gives off its own vibe. Albeit it’s hard to determine what those are when you can only see the outside on your daily walks, but I assure you they do.
Whether you’re knowledgeable, sporty or the life of the party, there’s a building at Lancaster that definitely represents you. So without further ado, take this quiz to find out which Lancaster building represents you. And if you got the Ruskin Library…are you okay? Do you need a hug?
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