Image may contain: Party, Night Life, Disco, Night Club, Club, Human, Person

2-4-1 cocktails, Sultans, and ducks: Everything you’ll miss about Lancs over Xmas

Miss you, Lancs

Deadlines? Done. Essay? Sorted. First Term? Completed it, mate.

Congratulations, you've made it through Michaelmas term! Let the celebrations begin! Pop open the Buck's Fizz, crack out that advent calendar, and put those feet up – you've earned it.

There you are, a few days into the Christmas break, and you feel that you're missing uni. You're laughing at things and turn to say something to your flatmate… but they're gone. It truly is a sad state of affairs, isn't it?

Here's everything you'll be missing about Lancs over Christmas.


Your flatmates are basically your uni family, there are no questions about it. They're who you spend most of your time with, you see them everyday, and they're always there for you. You have "in jokes" like any family, and when you're home you find it weird that everyone else doesn't find those jokes funny. It's weird. You miss your flatmates after a few days away from them.


One step up from pre-uni life compared to being at Lancs is that you have to deal with a lot more independence, and you have a lot more freedom at uni. It's like you have two separate lives, and it takes a while at home to readjust to not being able to do whatever you like, whenever you want to do it. You can't just have a shower at 1:30am. You can't just cook a random garlic bread baguette because you "could eat." It's ridiculous. You miss that freedom so much. It's great to be home, but… GIVE ME MY LIFE BACK.


The promised land

"What can I get for you, my friend?"

Well, Sal, I'll tell you – oh wait, I'm at home, I don't have Sultans anymore. Oh. Now this is disappointing, isn't it? Where am I going to get my curly fries at 2am? What about water? Where can I get water? The tap? That's feral. Pfft… the tap…

Grizedale Cocktails

Image may contain: Beer, Wine Glass, Wine, Party, Furniture, Table, Cocktail, Bar Counter, Pub, Alcohol, Glass, Drink, Beverage, Human, Person

It's been a long day. You've been doing uni work at home, and it's draining. You need a drink. "Ooh, what about those 2-4-1 cocktails, for £6? Yeah, I fancy them right now!"

TOUGH. You're at home. You don't have cheap cocktails – chance would be a fine thing.


Image may contain: Mallard, Waterfowl, Human, Person, Duck, Animal, Bird

Big boi quackers

"QUACK QUACK QUACK" is what your family hear from your room, as you enter your third hour of crying about how you miss Lancs' feathered friends. Quack quack, indeed. Miss you, duckies.


Image may contain: Volleyball, Floor, Sport, Team, Sports, Team Sport, Shorts, Ball, Apparel, Clothing, Flooring, People, Human, Person, Sphere

If you're part of a uni team then you really will miss your teammates. The absence of weekly training sessions are a relief at first, but then you wonder what else you're going to be doing with that time. Then you start thinking about how rusty you're going to get over the holiday. And you'll put weight on from all the Christmas food. Oh, the humanity!

Your Course (ish)

Image may contain: Furniture, Chair, Electronics, Screen, Seminar, Lecture, Speech, Room, School, Indoors, Classroom, Human, Crowd, Audience, Person

Okay so hear me out first. You came to Lancs because you want to study something for a few more years before you enter the big wide world of work, right? Well… after a month of not talking about something you're passionate about, you do start to miss it a little bit. No, you don't miss the workload, or the deadlines, or the 9am starts. But you miss talking about your favourite subject, and it's difficult to not get rusty over Christmas!


The staple of the Lancaster nightlife. The newly-saved holy land of the humble Lancs student, where we make our weekly pilgrimage. What can we possibly do whilst being away from Lancaster for four weeks? Go out somewhere else? Well… yeah, but that's not the point, is it? We'll all miss that sticky floor. The same old music – it's reliable! Queuing up outside that big blue building, freezing your unmentionables off in the cold. Sugar, you'll be missed over Christmas, old friend.