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King’s Food now do 50 per cent off food 50 minutes before closing time

For when you become too poor for Prêt

On the 19th of February 2018, King’s Food launched a new initiative to tackle food waste. The ’50@50’ scheme means that students and staff can now get 50 per cent off selected food products that are close to their expiry date in any King's Food outlet at all King's campuses, 50 minutes before closing.

The initiative has now been running for nearly two weeks, and is being carried out across all King's Food outlets – from Chapters at Strand, to Keats' Café at Guy's and the Weston Education Centre Refectory at Denmark Hill.

The scheme has been introduced into a growing number of King’s Food initiatives to uphold King's Waste Management Policy, as a method of aiming to reduce food waste by 'minimising the number of food items that pass their expiry dates, at which point they can no longer legally be stocked and must be disposed of.'

'50@50' has been launched throughout all of the King’s Food outlets, so head to Rolls 50 minutes before closing time to stock up on study snacks.