Image may contain: Umbrella, Canopy, Room, Library, Interior Design, Indoors

The Round Reading Room was never Dumbledore’s Office and our hearts are broken

Guess our only reason to go to the library is gone


Whether you're a fresher or you've been at King's for a couple of years, we've all heard the story about how the Round Room at Maughan Library was Dumbledore's office in the Harry Potter films and we have all used it as bragging material to our friends from home.

Turns out we've been living a lie all of these years: King's library services have actually confirmed that this is, sadly, just a myth, in one of their newsletters.

In a heartbreaking statement, they've said:

"You might find people referring to the Round Reading Room as ‘Dumbledore’s Office’, but sadly, it’s a myth that any part of the Harry Potter films were filmed at the Maughan Library."

"Neither was any part of The Da Vinci Code filmed at the Maughan; although parts of the book were set there, along with a fictional librarian with a lax grasp of the visitor rules."

Now that the truth is out, we might finally be able to get a seat in the Maughan past 9am.