King’s are hosting a vigil in honour of London Bridge attacks this coming Friday
The KCLSU has organised a vigil for Kings students in light of the London-wide one this evening
In response to the recent terror attacks at London Bridge and Borough Market on Saturday night, the KCLSU have released a statement announcing their intention to hold a vigil for the victims of the attacks and all those affected by them, with all Kings students welcome to attend. The KCLSU's statement contained a strong message of solidarity and support, with further details on the upcoming event:
'We would like to express our deepest condolences to all those who have been affected by the attack on London Bridge. We extend these to the victims and all those who are suffering.
King's College London Student's Union (KCLSU) stands in solidarity with our students and staff in our hospitals, campuses and accommodation who worked tirelessly over the weekend, to find accommodation for displaced students, safeguard the community and care for victims in our hospitals. We thank our students and staff for continuing to work into this week in recovering from the weekend’s events, and extend our huge gratitude to them.
On Friday, our Union President has called for a vigil and minute of silence. This is to show that we stand as one community against violence in London and around the world. We will gather to mourn all those lost, and to recommit ourselves to the purpose of fighting for a better society, and a peaceful world.
The event will be held at midday (12pm) at Guys Main Quad & Memorial Park. Follow the vigil event for updates.
"We thank students for their continued cooperation on campus, in the hospitals and in their halls of residence. Please wear your lanyard with your King’s student card in at all times. The College will continue to have enhanced security until Friday 9 June."
"Now, it is more important than ever to come together as one King’s community, in service of society. King’s unity is, and must be, its strength. We will not tolerate division within our campuses: we stand as one King’s, in this global and open city."
King's has provided access to the Chaplaincy for informal discussions on 02078482373 and 02078482333 or at [email protected] and [email protected]. Chapels and prayer rooms across King’s are always available for private reflection and prayer.
You can also contact the counselling service on 02078487017 or email [email protected] and your personal tutor will also be able to give support. If you don’t know who that is, get in touch with your departmental office.