Meet the KCL Men’s Varsity Hockey Squad kicking UCL in the balls

Square up UCL because the KCL boys are painting the town red on Friday

Last year’s hockey Varsity was a very tight affair with UCL scraping a 2-1 win. Once again, KCL expects a close and fiery encounter. However, with a strong boost of new talented players and after holding our own in the league above UCL this year, we will bring Varsity back on to Strand turf.

The squad have been training hard in preparation for this year’s event, which will be in front of 600 rowdy KCL and UCL students and alumni. Playing up to three times a week every week since September, the team have been slowly firing up their sticks and are now ready for action.

With the match on Friday, let’s meet the Men’s Hockey squad who answered what makes them varsity worthy, and how they feel about the coming match.

President and Forward: Nick Acfield

I make a solid pesto pasta and have a cracking music taste: 07887389068

Captain and Midfield: James Simpson

I’m excellent with both sticks

Vice Captain and Forward: Josh Clarke

UCL are like the back of a hockey stick – useless

Player/Coach/Olympian: Richie Hildreth

What’s the difference between a garbanzo bean and a chickpea? I wouldn’t let a garbanzo bean on my face.

Goalkeeper: Matthew Morgan

Bread and wine, UCL will be mine

Defender: Vishy de Silva

I want it to be a fair match, So I’ll be spending most of the game on the bench

Defender: Louis van de Werff

My game is so bad my flatmate is now my wife

Defender: Felix Kempf

Funny quotes are super difficult for German people… can’t think of anything

Defender: Lukas Kressel

I’m only here to see my girlfriend. Don’t know how I got dragged into Varsity

Defender: Jelle Duncker

We’re cooler, bigger and better than KCL rugby. #gym #dover4life #0points

Defender: Dom Oliver

UCL are not welcome on my ship

Defender: Will Hester

Don’t want to blow my own trumpet but…… I am fucking good

Midfield: Mark Smith

I’m Scottish, drunk and angry

Midfield: Saad Malik

UCL will get smoked

Midfield: David Stephens

I’ve been here a few weeks and I already hate Richard Maver (KCL traitor)

Forward: Ross Williams

I’m old, fat and hairy

Forward: Tom Church

I score on the pitch as often as Richard Maver does off it

Forward: Angus Hamilton

I shoot from the top of the D

The Women’s Varsity Match is at 18:30, followed by  Men’s Varsity Match at 20:30 pm, Friday 10th at Lee Valley Hockey and Tennis Centre, Olympic Park. 

Tickets can be bought here.