King’s to strike a library deal after fears of 24/7 cut

The pilot scheme was a success

Following reports that King’s had backtracked on their promise to keep libraries open 24/7, Robert Hall  (Director of library Services) gave the following statement:

“This year we ran a pilot scheme whereby we kept the four large libraries open 24/7 from January to the very end of summer examinations (which vary at each site). The pilot was a success and we are going to keep the libraries open again for the same months in 2017. We will be publicising this on our website later in the year. We are also using the same hours for this term as we did last year. From next Monday (26th) we will be opening at 8.30am and closing at 1am the next morning. Details of our opening hours are here:

“We are convening a group later this term to look at the question of Library Opening Hours more generally across the year. There will be student representation on this group. Keeping the libraries open 24/7 is a big undertaking with substantial environmental and cost implications and we want to make sure that we get it right.”