Nobody at King’s rates being at King’s

At least we beat Goldsmiths…

Get ready list fans, it’s that time again. The latest university rankings published by have ranked King’s as the 83rd best university in the UK.

The rankings, which are based on student feedback, saw Harper Adams University surprisingly claim top spot. Harper Adams, an institution based in Shropshire, scored highly in accommodation, Student Union, and facilities.

They were also the best of the best at job prospects and student support so well done them. The rankings also took into account city life and clubs, lectures and courses, and student societies.

The rankings were based on feedback from 25,000 students, which when you consider that’s both five times more than the estimated number of students who actually attend Harper Adams and about 1.1 per cent of the two million-ish students studying in the whole of the UK, maybe isn’t as comprehensive as it sounds.

If you feel like tiring out your scrolling finger, you can find the list here, where King’s comes in at a rather lousy 83, triumphing over Manchester Met (89), Coventry (94) and Goldsmiths (95), while losing out to such luminaries as Oxford (50), Heriot-Watt (55), University Campus Suffolk (22) and UCL (81). Bastards.

Don’t worry, we did much better in that other poll earlier in the year, so swings and roundabouts.