The McDonald’s on Guy’s has closed and everyone is devastated

No more 99p Mayo Chickens for you

The McDonald’s on Guy’s Campus has closed down.

The doors shut for the last time at 11pm on Sunday, leaving hundreds of students in despair at the thought of having to survive in the library without a cheeseburger.

McDonald’s has told customers to head to Waterloo if they need their fix, but this just isn’t good enough for most students.

Speaking to The Tab, second year biochemist Nora said: “I even went twice on Friday, but I’d never go to Waterloo… it’s just too far.”

Yesterday was a difficult day for many students on Guy’s. Farwa, a second year biomedical scientist, said: “It’s just an emotional day, I had my farewell meal yesterday and I think I cried a little inside”.

However some have questioned whether a McDonald’s ever really belonged at a hospital. Jamie, a second year medic, joked: “There is hole in my heart where cholesterol should be.”