Girl offers 100 guys sex in the street, KCL gent says no

Only in America


An unsuspecting KCL second year was asked for sex in a viral YouTube video – but politely turned it down.

International Politics student Calum “Foz” Foster, 21, who is on a semester abroad in Santa Barbara, was innocently enjoying the Californian sun when he was propositioned a girl in hotpants.

YouTube star Andrea originally appeared in the viral vid “Asking Guys For Sex“, but this time switched it up for the sequel by only asking guys who were by themselves.

Now, speaking to The Tab, Calum says, “I’m not that easy. I wasn’t going to sleep with somebody who had such poor game.”

You can watch Foz letting her down gently at seven minutes in.

Calum “Foz” Foster who is on a semester abroad in Santa Barbara

In the video, which featured on YouTube channel “whatever”, she compliments the KCL lad on his “badass name” before asking him to have sex with her.

Then, a visibly flustered Foz lets her down gently, saying, “It’s a great offer, but I’m not that type of guy.”

Speaking exclusively to The Tab, Foz, from Leeds, revealed: “It was Deltopia weekend, which is the biggest party weekend in Isla Vista, the UCSB student area.

“I was walking down the street to meet some friends to start drinking. Then, this girl stopped me and introduced herself, realised I had an accent, and accused me of being Australian. Then she just asked me for sex.”

Gentleman Foz

He said: “I was thinking, I’m not that easy. Then I just wanted to find the easiest way to get away without coming across too harshly.

“I wasn’t going sleep with somebody who had such poor game and asks to sleep with you just after introducing themselves!

“So I got away, then she approached me and explained it was a social experiment. I had a hunch before but just wanted to not come across as a dick.”

The video has also caught the attention of the KCL iFemSoc. Publicity officer Sophie Neal said: “I think the video makes an effective comment on issues surrounding sex positivity and women. There’s still a huge stigma surrounding women who are sexually active by choice, what with slut shaming.”

Active member Millie Straw added: “To me there’s an obvious link between what this girl is doing here, and what a lot of of guys do at club nights like Walkabout.

“It seems that sex initiated and led by a woman is still considered to be something abnormal.”

The video has been viewed almost 4,000,000 times in the week since it was uploaded.