Inconsiderate rapper disrupts KCL Christmas carol service

No one laughed

Christmas is supposed to be time for celebration, love and harmonious carols. 

But one attention-seeking “rapper” interrupted the annual KCL Christmas carol service, chanting “let’s raise the roof woo woo”.

In a Youtube video, annoyingly titled “Commandeering the Carol Service”, the show-off dances around the century chapel located on the Strand Campus mid-service.

Justice is served when the culprit, who unsurprisingly chooses to blur his own face in the clip, receives absolutely no reaction from festive service-goers.

After inviting the presumably bewildered congregation to “raise the roof”, and announcing that “people express their piety and adoration in different ways”, the inconsiderate worshipper was removed by a pissed off priest.

It is not clear exactly why the usually peaceful service was so cruelly interrupted, but it appears to be an act of staged attention seeking rather than the result of a charismatic religious experience.