We share our favourite Daft Friday photos

If you didn’t snag any tickets this year, live vicariously through these fun pics

After the last Daft Friday (or D*** F*****) was cancelled due to Covid-19, this year brought back Glasgow uni’s best post-exams Christmas tradition. Here’s our favourite photos from the 112th Daft Friday!

From left to right: Abby, third year Scots Law; James, third year History of Art and French; Rosie, third year English Literature; Archie, third year English Literature

Instagram: @_abbyjohnstone @james.a.murdoch @rosiee.watts @archieflynn

Tori, fifth year French

Instagram: @torimaguire

Giselle, fifth year Human Rights and International Politics & Oisín, fifth year Finance and Management

Instagram: @giselleinglis @ocean11_murphy

From left to right: Chloe, Rebecca & Lucy, all fourth year Geography and Geology students

Instagram: @chloe_rebekahx @_rebeccarussell_ @lucydelaneyyy

From left to right: Meghan, fourth year Dentistry; Patrick, fourth year Accounting and Economics; Elsa, third year Pharmacology; Lauren, fourth year Maths and Statistics; Lizzie, fourth year Aeronautical Engineering; Fenella, third year Human Biology and Nutrition; Molly, fourth year Aeronautical Engineering

Instagram: @meghankatedavis @patrickgersh @elsalillyy @laurenliversidge @lizziegordon @fenellagrant @molly_rochmankowska

From left to right: George, third year Economics; Adam, sixth year Accounting and Finance; Charlie, third year Economics

Instagram: @georgeconnolly19 @adamboyle7 @charliepargeter

Marta, fourth year Marine and Freshwater Biology

Instagram: @martaaa138

From left to right: Abby, third year Scots Law; Lucy, third year Primary Teaching; Rosie, third year English Literature

Instagram: @_abbyjohnstone @rosiee.watts @_lucywatt

From left to right: Janice, third year Anatomy; Meghan, third year Geography; Zak, third year Neuroscience; Hannah, third year History; Juliet, third year Sports Science; Alex, third year Immunology

Instagram: @janicewu_ @meghangriffithsx @zak_wilton @hannah_gorman1377 @julietwales @alexccurran

Eirini, third year Human Biology

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