Remember that time Glasgow was looking all beaut in the sun

Glasgow you tease …

Yes it rains a lot. Yes it can be pretty grey. But let us not forget how gorgeous Glasgow can be when the sun FINALLY emerges.

So whilst you’re all away on your summer hols here’s some pictures to remind you all (and of course brag to your pals) about how stunning Glasgow can be.

Kelvingrove Art Gallery looking all majestic in front of a surprisingly blue sky 

Still never been inside …

Hogwarts … I mean Glasgow Uni reminding us all why we picked it as our first choice 


And another just ’cause it’s stunning 

Can’t get enough

Not forgetting the insanely impressive street art around the City Centre

Glasgow why u so cool and edgy all the time 

Glasgow’s urban art scene

Yeah it might be kinda creepy but you gotta admit that the Necropolis is also pretty cool 

Glasgow Necropolis

Glasgow’s Botanic Gardens: The one place everyone heads to at the first sign of nice weather

So much green space

I mean where else would you get the perfect #summervibes insta?

Did you know there was a cafe in the Botanics? Nah, me neither … 

And the Clyde looking all dark and mysterious at sunset

Would it even be Glasgow without the classic traffic cone on top of a statue? 

Duke of Wellington Statue

Glasgow, you are incredible!

West End